This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Utahns swept up in last year's health data breach may be getting conflicting information about credit monitoring.
The state Department of Health is offering another year of fraud protection to the 280,000 whose Social Security numbers were stolen by hackers. It's supposed to kick in automatically for those who already signed up with Experian.
But some breach victims have received notices from the credit bureau offering to extend monitoring for a price.
Health officials urge patience and say information about the state-funded credit monitoring hasn't made its way to frontline staff at Experian.
"We're working with them on that. … Hopefully service staff will be trained up soon," said health department spokesman Tom Hudachko. "Everyone should be getting a message some time in the next few weeks about [the -state-paid] extension."
Those who didn't enroll last year now have a second chance. For more information, call Sheila Walsh-McDonald at 801-538-6923, or email her at
Twitter: @kirstendstewart