This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A facility that will dramatically increase the glass recycling capacity in Salt Lake City had its grand opening Thursday.
Community leaders attended opening ceremonies for Momentum Recycling at 658 S. 4050 West.
"Our partnership with Momentum Recycling has expanded our ability to recover our glass in a sustainable manner that keeps resources local," the city's recycling program manager, Debbie Lyons, said in a news release.
Salt Lake City Sustainability Director Vicki Bennett said that every month, more than 125 tons of glass is diverted from the landfill through the city's curbside and glass drop-off sites.
The city's curbside glass recycling program is set to go citywide this month. Residents can register for the voluntary program at
City officials said the Salt Lake City Office of Economic Development's Revolving Loan Fund provided a working capital loan that was instrumental in creation of the new glass facility.