This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The spring ritual of bank shareholder meetings is starting this week, with San Francisco-based Wells Fargo decamping from its hometown to Salt Lake City Tuesday. The bank says it's because it likes to rotate meetings among cities where it has major operations. The bank's critics say it's just trying to avoid the wrath of protesters.
Domo names chief scientist, strategy officer
American Fork-based Domo, which produces cloud-based enterprise software so companies can look at their data more easily, named former Omniture chief technology officer Brett Error as its new chief scientist and chief strategy officer. He is the second former Omniture exec to be hired by Domo in the past six months.
U.S. home sales dip as supply remains tight
Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes declined in March as inventory stayed limited, although the pace remained 10.3 percent ahead of last year. Sales dipped to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.92 million, from 4.95 million in February.
News Corp. to pay $139M to settle lawsuit
News Corp. has reached a $139 million settlement with shareholders over the British phone hacking scandal and the controversial purchase of an entertainment company run by founder Rupert Murdoch's daughter. The company also said it has agreed to corporate governance reforms.