This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has announced guests for its Pioneer Day and Tanner Gift of Music concerts.

Dubstep violinist Lindsey Stirling and tenor Nathan Pacheco will perform with the choir and Orchestra at Temple Square in the Pioneer Day concerts July 19 and 20. Singer-songwriter James Taylor will join the choir, conductor Mack Wilberg and the Utah Symphony in the biennial Tanner Gift of Music concerts Sept. 6 and 7. All performances will be in the LDS Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City.

"Between Lindsey, Nathan and James, we truly have something for everyone this summer and continue to cross generational and cultural boundaries with the choir's music," choir president Ron Jarrett said in a news release. "The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is so enthused to be able to perform with such a talented group of artists representing a wonderful breadth of musical genres, from hip-hop to opera to pop."

Stirling has put studies at Brigham Young University on hold since the popularity of her album and videos skyrocketed last year. "Crystallize" was YouTube's eighth-most-viewed video of 2012, with more than 42 million views; her album went to No. 1 on the Billboard dance/electronic chart shortly after its release.

"I'm in a career I didn't know existed," she told The Salt Lake Tribune earlier this year.

Pacheco, a BYU music graduate, has released a classical-pop crossover album and toured with New Age superstar Yanni as part of Yanni Voices.

Taylor, a five-time Grammy Award winner and recipient of the National Medal of Arts, is known for songs such as "Fire and Rain," "Shower the People" and "Your Smiling Face."

The concerts are free, but admission is limited to those 8 and older, and tickets are required (see box for details). —

Scoring tickets

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir will perform with Lindsey Stirling and Nathan Pacheco in July and with James Taylor in September. Here's how to get tickets to the free concerts:

Pioneer Day, July 19-20 • Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis starting June 11 at, by calling 801-570-0080 or at the Conference Center ticket office.

Tanner Gift of Music, Sept. 6-7 • Tickets will be distributed through a random selection process. Register at between 12:01 a.m. July 27 and 11:59 p.m. Aug. 5. Those without Internet access may register over the phone at 801-570-0080 or 1-866-537-8457. All registrations received during this time will have equal chances at receiving tickets. Only one registration (for a maximum of four tickets) per household.