This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Lawyers in the Beehive State are trying to polish up their image.

The Utah State Bar has launched a public information campaign to let people know about the productive role attorneys play in the community. And they've taken to the airwaves, producing four 60-second radio spots being played on KSL, KODJ, ESPN, KSFI, KUBL, KZNS and KONY in St. George.

Bar president Lori Nelson said in a statement that the state's 10,000 lawyers and judges perform a vital role in society, from instilling justice to providing pro bono legal help.

"The goal of this campaign is to shine a light on the public service provided by Utah's legal professionals," Nelson said. "Lawyers build strong partnerships, business, products and projects; help people mediate and negotiate; and seek solutions for everyday problems and opportunities."

They will air through July 14.