This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Another day, another major television show about polygamy.

This time, Keith Morrison of NBC's Dateline previews "Unbreakable," the story of how Bruce Willis defeats Samuel L. Jackson... with polygamy.

OK, not really. This program — which despite the name has nothing to do with M. Night Shyamalan's last good movie — actually is about Rebecca Musser, who at the age of 19 was married to Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints leader Rulon Jeffs. Musser eventually left the religion and testified against Rulon's son, Warren.

In the first clip, Morrison promises that "the story of the FLDS under Warren and his father has never been told in as much detail by a participant as it is in our program." It also looks like the show will include some background about the FLDS.

I found the clip charmingly old school. It's like Morrison didn't bother writing any of his lines beforehand, instead opting to just ponder aloud the entire time with his delightfully gravely voice. The tone reminded me of the videos I used to watch in sixth grade wood shop, or the "Saturday Night Live" sketches of TV reporter Herb Welch.

A second clip features Musser herself coming back to the Short Creek area. That clip mentions Musser's new book about her experiences, called "The Witness Wore Red."

"Unbreakable" airs Friday at 9 p.m. Mountain time.

— Jim Dalrymple II