This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A piece of the World Trade Center is in Salt Lake City through Saturday, and is slated for a statewide tour that will conclude with its return to Fort Douglas for permanent display in a planned peace park there.

The chunk of concrete weighs nearly five tons. It was excavated from a "slurry wall" that prevented the Hudson River from flooding Ground Zero after the twin towers were taken down by airborne terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, killing more than 2,600 people in New York City.

The artifact is being purchased by Utah's Fallen Warrior Memorial group, which is working with the Fort Douglas Military Museum, to find a permanent home for it near a planned monument to honor women in the miltary.

Organizers will have the piece on display Friday near the Museum and plan to move it Saturday for display at Rice-Eccles Stadium. —

Tour dates

Concrete from the World Trade Center, destined to be a Utah's Fallen Warriors Memorial at Fort Douglas, will tour Utah cities on the following dates:

Friday • Fort Douglas Military Museum

Saturday • Rice-Eccles Stadium at the University of Utah

Monday • Logan

Tuesday • St. George

Wednesday • Cedar City

Sept. 26 • Richfield

Sept. 27 • Mt. Pleasant

Sept. 28 • Park City

Sept. 29 • Camp Williams

Sept. 30 • Lehi

Oct. 1 • Blanding

Oct. 2 • Moab

Oct. 3 • Price

Oct. 4 • Vernal

Oct. 5 • West Valley City

Oct. 6 • Sandy

Oct. 7 • Provo

Oct. 8 • Grantsville

Oct. 12 • Tooele

Source • Utah's Fallen Warriors Memorial