This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Morgan Bowen, the Democrat who lost to Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, in 2008 and 2010, has decided to endorse a totally new challenger to the congressman: Peter Clemens, a doctor at the Ogden Regional Medical Center.

Clemens is battling for the Democratic nomination against Donna McAleer, who lost to Bishop last year.

Bowen, in an email distributed by Clemens' campaign, said Clemens is the "most qualified candidate." He said Ogden-resident Clemens also offers the best opportunity to carry Weber County, not Park City resident McAleer.

Bowen wrote that "winning Weber County is an absolute must in this election," and said Clemens "is our best chance to win Weber County and Utah's 1st Congressional District."

Bowen added, "Peter has shown that he is dedicated to improving our community through his involvement on his local school board, his work improving healthcare, and his dedication to improving community involvement in the political system."

— Lee Davidson