This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A former volunteer swim coach at Ben Lomond High School will not receive a new trial, a judge ruled last week.
After a three-day trial in March, a jury found Jamie Jo Waite, 37, guilty of four counts of second-degree felony forcible sexual abuse.
After she was sentenced to serve 120 days in the Weber County jail in April, her attorney, Emily Swenson, filed a motion asking that her client receive a new trial. Swenson said issues with one witnesses' testimony and possible jury misconduct including a disagreement between two jurors regarding whether someone had threatened a juror during trial were not adequately addressed during Waite's trial.
Last Thursday, 2nd District Judge Scott Hadley denied the motion, writing that he was not convinced that any of the six issues Swenson addressed in her motion rise to the level of prejudicial error and would merit a new trial.
Waite was arrested in March 2011 after a friend told police that Waite detailed to her about having sex with the teen.
During Waite's trial, the victim testified he and Waite had sex at least 20 times from November 2010 to February 2011.
Waite, who worked as an unpaid coach for four years at the high school, maintains that she did not have a sexual relationship with teen, but admits she did not set clear boundaries with the students on the swim team, according to Swenson.