This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Sure, I could write and write and write about all the Utah State 2014 recruiting class, but who wants to read when you have highlight tape?

Thanks to Utah State athletics, highlight tape is now online for all 27 of the Aggies' signees on YouTube. Here's links to all of the top plays from future Utah State football players - you can get to the videos themselves by clicking on their names. And because I can't stop writing, I'll add some of my own summations and observations of the film.

Obviously "highlights" show the best of each player — not necessarily his weaknesses — and there's only a few plays per clip, so take them with a grain of salt. But this should offer a glimpse into what drove Utah State to offer each player a scholarship and what potential they have flashed.



Chase Christiansen, LB, 6-2, 210 • You can see why the Aggies like him as a tackler. He has a nose for the ball, and is rangy and long enough to wrap up with confidence.Landon Horne, TE, 6-3, 230 • A reliable pass-catcher and a tough blocker, Horne shows the versatility to fit in to a number of Utah State's offensive sets.Siua Taufa, DL, 6-1, 265 • Utah State likes his motor, as shown by how he stays with plays. Taufa also seems to manuever around blockers well in pass rushing.John Taylor, DE, 6-2, 270 • He's another of Utah State's defensive line prospects who seems to simply push forward and not lose a step.Ian Togiai, OLB, 6-2, 230 • His physical foundation is very good: He has size and speed. All he needs to add is weight. The Aggies have high hopes for his development.



Adewale Adeoye, OLB, 6-4, 235 • His size and strength will give him a leg up at the next level. When he squares up, his tackles look like a train hitting a pillow.*Demytrick Ali'ifua, OL, 6-3, 280 • As a blocker, he does a very good job of driving back defenders and taking them out of the play.*Preston Curtis, WR, 5-10, 175 • He has good ball skills, and in the open field he is very hard to bring down. That's one reason why his film has so many touchdowns in it.Jalen Davis , CB, 5-10, 160 • Part of what makes him a good corner is also what makes him a good returner: If he gets the ball in his hands, he's elusive and fast enough to take it all the way.Edmund Faimalo, DT, 6-3 , 290 • He's got good mobility for his size, and he is quick to get to loose balls for critical turnovers.*Baron Gajkowski, S, 6-2, 200 • His tape showcases his skills as a dual-threat QB, but you can see that he's big, deceptively fast and isn't afraid to hit.*Derek Hastings, TE, 6-3, 250 • His big body makes him a physical, downhill runner, but Utah State is probably more interested in how his blocking skills show up on tape.Justen Hervey, RB, 5-9, 180 • He appears to read his blocks well, and his second gear is simply elite. A potential home-run hitter.Deshane Hines, CB, 5-10 180 • Hines shows why Utah State covets his skills as a man corner, but he also runs to the ball well when he needs to.LaJuan Hunt, RB, 5-8, 185 • He shows a well-rounded skill set of a rusher who can catch, speed up, and is especially talented at stutter stepping and side stepping would-be tacklers.Marcus Mosely, TE, 6-4, 210 • His size is simply not fair for the guys trying to cover him, and he seems able to make some difficult catches as well down the field.Kent Myers, QB, 6-0, 185 • His blockers should be using this highlight tape as well, but Myers' good touch on long throws and his elusiveness hints at the great range of his skill set.Logan Rice, OL, 6-6, 225 • He'll need to gain a lot of weight, but his tape shows he can hold his blocks and he has the frame the Aggies want.Devonte Robinson, WR, 6-2, 184 • He has the length and speed of a protypical receiver, and you can imagine the Aggies using him in sweeps like Dodge City did.Jontrell Rocquemore, S, 6-2, 185 • Even on run plays going away from his side, he seems to get to the ballcarrier very quickly. The Aggies see potential in his athleticism.Gasetoto Schuster, NG, 6-1, 280 • His girth will help seal up the middle of the line. Utah State likes how he potentially fits its scheme.Hunter Sharp, WR, 6-0, 190 • He has good straightline speed and looks like a guy who can compete on throws to the end zone.Sunia Tauteoli, ILB, 6-0, 225 • Although he might be undersized, he gets into the backfield insanely quickly. Hard to see how he got passed up before going to Snow.*Joe Tukuafu, TE, 6-4, 235 • His size and speed make him a tough cover match-up. He runs good routes and also appears to be able to compete for jump balls very well.*Mohelika Uasike, DT, 6-2, 300 • He is very strong and has a very quick burst that gets him into the backfield faster than blockers or ballcarriers are ready for.*Christopher Unga, DT, 6-1, 280 • He has great power. Once he starts gaining ground on a blocker, he never seems to give any back.Aaron Wade, S, 6-2, 180 • The return highlight shows his relentlessness, while his defensive tape illustrates his speed and closing ability on tackles and going for passes.

*Will serve an LDS church mission

Kyle Goonkgoon@sltrib.comTwitter: @kylegoon