This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Basketball's most famous headband was at EnergySolutions Arena on Saturday.

But while the absorbent apparel has been a part of LeBron James' look during two NBA championship runs, four MVP seasons and 10 All-Star appearances, don't expect the Utah Jazz to follow suit.

"I haven't seen a headband yet that helps a guy make a shot or a get a rebound," Jazz coach Ty Corbin said when asked this weekend about his team's policy prohibiting them. "We've got towels if they want to wipe the sweat off their face."

Headbands have long been contraband around the Jazz, but Corbin said his personal feelings about their use date back to his time as a prep.

"My high school coach didn't allow you to wear sweatbands, headbands," he said. "Everybody tucked their shirts in. It's just part of being a team more so than individual stuff out there."

"Plus," Corbin joked, "we've got some nice looking guys and I think the headband takes away from their look."

So how does James look with his?

"I think he's a hell of a player whichever way," Corbin said.

On records

The Jazz took a franchise-record 35 attempts from 3 on Friday against Dallas, and were just three makes shy of another record.

But it's all relative.

The Jazz's 23 misses were also the most in a game for the team. Utah previously missed 19 of 23 attempts in Denver on Nov. 9, 2012.

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