This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A Riverton family has achieved YouTube glory with an accurate and quite touching cover from the Disney movie "Frozen."
(The Cricket can already hear the grousing: "Lord, not another 'Let It Go' cover." Chill out. This is different.)
Filmmaker Robbie Bagley, who runs a production crew called Working With Lemons, made a live-action re-creation of another number from the Disney movie: "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
Bagley enlisted his sisters, Mia and Ariana, to play the lonely Anna as a young girl and as a teen. According to YouTube, the children in the Bagley family act and sing as a hobby.
The production cost a grand total of $5.49 the cost of contact paper, which was painted blue to make the door decorations. Costumes were made from fabric lying around the house. Mia's shoes were too big for her feet, and held on with duct tape.
The movie was shot on a friend's borrowed DLSR camera. The audio was recorded with a mic from the "Rock Band" video game.
The video was posted on YouTube on March 15, and since then has garnered more than 16 million hits.