This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Tribune had an article May 28 concerning the installation of TeleCoil in the Tower Theater. The Broadway has also added a hearing assist which can be worn by those with hearing aids and has the TeleCoil feature. Century 16 movie theater has had individual closed-captioning devices available at the box office for some time, which can be easily read while watching a film.

These steps show an awareness and a concern for an almost unnoticed disability. But unfortunately there are no live theater venues that I am aware of which offer anything more that a clumsy and inefficient hearing assist.

These are generally meant to magnify the sound when the speaker is in very close range of the microphone. As actors move, these microphones are ineffective. Sadly, I have had to leave both Pioneer Theater and the Grand Theater part way through a performances because I was unable to follow the dialogue.

I have recently been in touch with associates of the Shakespeare Festival and am pleased to say that they have shown an interest in the TeleCoil for the Randall Jones Theater .

These are all encouraging happenings, but for those of us waiting they just can't happen soon enough. Thanks for publishing this article. It may help bring about changes that are long overdue.

Joan Proctor

Salt Lake City