This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
New York • Prosecutors are opposing a prisoner's bid to be cleared in a notorious 1990 killing of a Utah tourist in New York City.
Manhattan Assistant District Attorney William Darrow told a judge Friday that prosecutors have concluded "there's no credible newly discovered evidence" in Johnny Hincapie's case.
Hincapie says there is such evidence. A sworn statement from an exonerated co-defendant says Hincapie played no part in attacking Brian Watkins.
Prosecutors say in court papers that the co-defendant's account is "fiction."
Hincapie lawyer Ron Kuby is seeking a hearing on the issue. A judge is considering the request.
Watkins was killed defending his mother from a subway-platform mugging while the family was visiting from Provo. The attack was seen as an example of random violence in a city then rife with crime.