This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It's tough to follow the news when you're finally off the clock and have time for yourself and your family. Rewind will help you catch up with all the happenings in Utah over the weekend.

Why Mormonism, U.S.-born faiths are growing in Ghana • Thrown into the eclectic mix of Ghana's Christian comminities are three American-born versions of the ancient faith — Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventism — each claiming to strip away centuries of tradition to practice a purer, more Bible-based brand of Christianity.

D-Day theory: Utah Beach named for Provo carpenter • How did Utah and Omaha beaches — two chunks of French sand that were the scenes of the best-known day in American military history — get their code names? A Midwestern family believes they discovered the answer in an old notebook found after their patriarch, Gayle Eyler, died in Nebraska in 2003. He was 81.

'Utah Man' looks almost identical to 1885 frat song • The controversial University of Utah fight song looks to be closely based on an old fraternity song. A history of "Utah Man" collected by the U.'s Marriott Library is unclear on the song's authorship, at one point theorizing that fraternity brothers may have written it in response to a 1901 song contest sponsored by The Daily Utah Chronicle, since a fraternity song and "Utah Man" are both set to the folk tune "Soloman Levi."

Salt Lake County 911 dispatcher script raises concerns • Salt Lake City's police chief acknowledges that city dispatchers' scripted call-taking protocol could use some tweaks. When someone calls and says, "I was just robbed by a white man with a gun," the dispatcher — early on, according to the script — still has to ask if the caller saw a gun, Chief Chris Burbank said.

U. scholarship to help build 'new generation of tribal lawyers' • David Cuch was the first Ute tribe member to enroll in the University of Utah law school, and so far he's been the last. "We need more Indian lawyers," said his brother, Cameron Cuch. "It's important to our tribe and community we have people who understand our issues and concerns and who will fight to protect our way of life."

Utah leaders say Shinseki exit first step in fixing VA • Utah Rep. Chris Stewart took no joy Friday in the resignation-under-pressure of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. But the former U.S. Air Force rescue helicopter and bomber pilot reaches back to his own military service for an explanation of why it had to happen.

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