Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday Augu
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Softwire Synthesis' Lance Iden displays his modular synthesizer in Craft Lake City's Scien
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday Augu
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Painted semi truck hub caps by artist Tommy Dolph at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Cente
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at art and illustrations by Chris Bodily at Craft Lake City at the
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday Augu
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
PorCause Artist Alyana DeSouza displays her Day of the Dead inspired art at Craft Lake Cit
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Acoustic and electric guitars made from cigar boxes by artist Bret Hanson at Craft Lake Ci
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Softwire Synthesis' Lance Iden displays his modular synthesizer in Craft Lake City's Science & Technology building at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Painted semi truck hub caps by artist Tommy Dolph at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at art and illustrations by Chris Bodily at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Festival attendees look at local art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
PorCause Artist Alyana DeSouza displays her Day of the Dead inspired art at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.
Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune
Acoustic and electric guitars made from cigar boxes by artist Bret Hanson at Craft Lake City at the Gallivan Center Friday August 8, 2014.