This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A three-alarm fire that displaced families living in 18 units of a Magna condominium complex has been blamed on embers from an apparently untended barbecue grill.
Unified Fire Capt. Fitzgerald Petersen said the fire began at 6:52 p.m. Monday on the deck of a third-floor, west unit of the Copper Tree Condos, near 8000 West and 3400 South. Flames quickly spread to an adjoining unit.
Two units were destroyed and four others, below, sustained significant water and smoke damage. A damage estimate was still being assessed on Tuesday.
Petersen said that in addition to the six units destroyed or heavily damaged, 12 other units were deemed temporarily below occupancy standards due to the loss of the complex's main water line during the blaze.
Occupants of the 12 units, however, were expected to be back in their homes by Wednesday morning.
In all, 70 firefighters from UFA, West Valley City and West Jordan fought the fire, which had begun to spread into the third-floor attic before crews finally doused it about 9 p.m.
No injuries were reported, but one homeowner lost a pet dog, Petersen said.
The Red Cross assisted 12 residents with food, clothing and accommodations, though Petersen said he understood the remainder of those evacuated were not without a place to stay Monday night.
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