This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A former Clearfield High School teacher accused of forcing a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old student is set to go to trial next month.

Gaile Kristine Supp, 25, is charged in 2nd District Court with first-degree felony object rape.

She appeared in court on Wednesday for a pretrial conference ahead of a four-day trial scheduled to begin on Sept. 15.

A probable-cause affidavit filed by the Weber County Sheriff's Office alleges that Supp invited one of her female students to her house in West Haven last January to help the student with homework.

Supp allegedly showed the student a film with a sex scene and tried to seduce her. The student told her no, but Supp proceeded to sexually abuse the student, the affidavit states.

Supp was arrested on last April after authorities served a search warrant at her residence, but was released from the Weber County jail after posting $20,000 bail last year.

Twitter: @jm_miller