This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Pelosi: 'Civilization in jeopardy' if GOP takes Senate. Utahns like Herbert's healthy Utah plan, even if they don't know what it is. Utah state government takes a lot of military handouts.

Happy Monday. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said this weekend that Democrats aren't fear mongers and then declared why Democrats must to well this election year: "Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate." Pelosi made the comment during a live show of "Real Time with Bill Maher," and noted that Democrats face an obstacle in midterm elections because their message is about hope, not fear. [DailyCaller]

Topping the news: A majority of Utahns haven't heard of Gov. Gary Herbert's Healthy Utah plan, most don't know what it entails, but they like it over an expansion of Medicaid. [UtahPolicy]

-> Prison population has been on decline across the nation in the last decade, except in Utah, where sex offenders are making up more and more of the inmates. [Trib]

-> Utah state government is a big user of military handouts, with the Utah Highway Patrol alone acquiring 250 M-14 rifles. [Trib]

Tweet of the day: From @pourmecoffee: "I have a feeling the 2016 election is going to be how Skynet starts. We're just going to say, "Enough. Let the computers sort it out."'

Happy Birthday: To state Rep. Gage Froerer

Opinion section: George Pyle discusses how Utah Republicans are playing "Jedi mind tricks" when it comes to healthcare. [Trib]

-> Nan Anderson, executive director of the Utah Tourism Industry Association, Scott Beck, director of Visit Salt Lake, and Vicki Varela, managing director of the Utah Office of Tourism, explains how Brand USA is helping Utah earn more money through tourism. [Trib]

-> Gregory A. Clark, Ph. D., is an associate professor of bioengineering at the University of Utah, comments on Victor Stenger, a physicist and best-selling atheist author, who recently passed away. [Trib]

-> Allison Jones, a conservation biologist and director of Wild Utah Project and member of the Governor's Sage Grouse Plan Implementation Council, explains why she supports Herbert's plan to protect the future of the Sage Grouse. [Trib]

-> Madonne Miner, Ph. D., dean of the Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts and Humanities at Weber State University, refutes the misconception that holding a liberal arts major affects graduates' fiscal future. [Trib]

-> John Carter, a manager of the Yellowstone to Uintas Connection, comments on the damage that cattle have created to Range Creek Canyon's wildlife habitat and archaeological sites and how important it is to stop it from continuing. [Trib]

-> Brent C. James, M.D., a chief quality officer at Intermountain Healthcare and member of board directors of the Massachusetts-based Institute for Healthcare Improvement, discusses how a meeting in Salt Lake City for group will help provide Utah with more efficient health care. [Trib]

-> Phil Sarnoff, executive director of Bike Utah, explains why having a protected bike lane will help draw more bicyclists ride safely. [Trib]

-> Frank Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb describes why dissatisfaction with Congress doesn't extend to their own members of the body. [DNews]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on Vail Resorts purchase of the Park City Ski Resort. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly notes that we're all hypocrites when it comes to the U. vs. BYU rivalry. [Trib]

-> Former Sen. Bob Bennett says President Barack Obama must go to Congress to seek its approval of any actions against the terrorist group calling itself the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant. [DNews]

Weekend in review: Utah's members of Congress want to see more detailed plans on Obama's efforts to combat the ISIL group before they support the U.S. military training and assisting rebel fighters. [Trib]

-> After Salt Lake's City Council and the Utah Transportation Committee traveled by bus on the I-15 they noticed the ugly scenery surrounding the freeway's entrances, and promised to work on creating "grand boulevard" entrances. [Trib]

-> Members of the LGBT community who are also members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with each other at a conference this weekend in Salt Lake City to reaffirm their faith. [Fox13]

-> Gun rights advocate Clark Aposhian says the teacher who accidentally shot herself in an elementary school bathroom was at fault, not the policy that allowed her to legally carry the gun. [Trib]

-> Gov. Gary Herbert met with Fox News last week in a bid to appear more on the network. [AP]

-> Rep. Jason Chaffetz says Mitt Romney is leaving the door open to another presidential bid in case the GOP doesn't come up with a good candidate. [DNews]

-> Horse-drawn carriages are no longer available in Salt Lake City, but the policy regarding this type of business could be revisited in the future. [Trib]

-> Democratic Sheriff Jim Winder welcomes an investigation of his alleged campaign violations, hoping that it will prove his innocence. [Trib]

-> The Department of Transportation didn't award Salt Lake City a grant to extend the Sugar House streetcar line, making the City Council's 4-3 vote on matching funds moot. [Trib]

-> With I-15 has closed between St. George and Las Vegas down because of flooding, drivers have been forced on to State Road 56, which wasn't built for such heavy traffic. [Trib]

Nationally: Several Arab nations have offered their help to the United States in launching airstrikes against the Islamic jihadist group in northern Iraq and Syria. [NYTimes][WaPost][WSJ][LATimes]

-> The Islamic jihadists have released a third beheading video, this time of a British aid worker, and it is being used to warn Britain against helping the United States in its campaign. [NYTimes][WaPost][Examiner][Politico][WSJ][LATimes][Fox13]

-> As the U.S. attempts to cut the terrorist group from oil revenue, it is still trying to convince Turkey to get on board with the plan. [NYTimes]

-> After seven years away, Hillary Clinton returned to speak to Iowans and hinted at another presidential campaign. [Examiner][Politico][LATimes][NYTimes]

Where are they?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz makes an appearance on FOX News in New York City and returns to Washington for evening votes.

Rep. Chris Stewart does an interview with Fox 13, flies to Washington, and attends a congressional dinner with House Whip Steve Scalise.

Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox attends Ride on Utah! Off-Highway Vehicles tour.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams meets with his Cabinet.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker hits an Environmental Protection Agency conference call, sits down for a scheduling and signing meeting, and travels to the Missouri Municipal League Annual Conference.

President Barack Obama meets with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, awards Army Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins and Army Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat the Medal of Honor and later attends a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Mallory Jesperson and