This is an archived article that was published on in 2007, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Posted: 12:23 AM- HILL AIR FORCE BASE -- The highest-ever-ranking female commander of a Utah-based military unit has assumed command at the Ogden Air Logistics Center.

Brig. Gen. Kathleen Close took charge of the unit -- the largest military and civilian employer in Utah, with a combined staff of more than 23,000 -- in a ceremony this morning at Hill Air Force Base.

It is Close's second tour of duty in Utah. The Colorado State University graduate first served at Hill in the early 1980s, arriving at the northern Utah base as a first lieutenant and departing as a captain.

Nearly a quarter century later, Close has returned as one of the highest-ranking officers in the state.

At the same ceremony, the logistic center's outgoing commander, Kevin Sullivan, accepted promotion to lieutenant general -- tacking a third star onto his shoulder as he prepares to depart for Washington, D.C., where he will become the deputy chief of staff at the U.S. Air Force's Installations, Logistics and Mission Support Headquarters.

Sullivan, who took command at Hill in 2003, is the base's longest-ever serving commander.

Sullivan said his four years at Hill "is now and always will be the highlight of my Air Force career."

"There's a reason why our Air Force has continued to challenge Kevin with these continued promotions," said Air Force Materiel Command vice commander Lt. Gen. Terry Gabreski, who presided over the ceremony. She said Sullivan "leaves behind a legacy of dedication and leadership."

Close said she would attempt to continue that legacy. "I am proud to have this opportunity to command this center," she said.