This is an archived article that was published on in 2007, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
WEST VALLEY CITY - The first day of school can be scary. Mom and Dad go home and there's all that work to do. All those rules to follow.
Luckily, kindergartners at Douglas T. Orchard Elementary have some seasoned mentors on their side.
As students on traditional schedules in Granite, Jordan and Salt Lake City school districts return to classrooms this week, Orchard first-graders have plenty of advice for the newbies at their school. Who better to give the lowdown than those most recently in the know?
The most important tidbit from teacher Leigh Anstadt's first-grade class? Recess is just about the best and most important part of kindergarten.
But there's more. Here's what first-graders think kindergartners should know to survive their first year of school:
"Outline the picture first, then color it inside."
Jacob Neihart, 6
"I was not afraid. My friends were not afraid."
Danielle Lerdahl, 6
"Put antibacterial on your hands so you don't get germs on your snack."
Lenny Villegas, 5
"The best thing is that you get to play. The hardest part is that you have to do your work."
Timber Wolfe, 6:
"Here's how to make friends: Say, 'Do you want to be my friend?' "
Cheyenne Conder, 6:
"Have fun in school. You won't be lonely because you'll make friends. Just be nice. Follow the rules and you can make new friends at recess."
Natalie Estrada, 6:
"Don't be afraid of your teacher. The teacher is always nice. If you don't know how to go to the bathroom, ask your teacher or kids. They can really teach you."
Isaac Orullian, 6:
"Work on getting friends on the first day of school. It doesn't matter how you dress."
Toni Bustamante, 6:
"Don't be nervous because in school we have fun. Your parents will come back and pick you up after school."
Emelyn Vasquez, 6:
More back-to-school advice, from the first grade experts
Students from Leigh Anstadt's first-grade class at Douglas T. Orchard Elementary offer their wisdom to incoming kindergartners: