This is an archived article that was published on in 2007, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Utah native Tom Korologos, the former U.S. ambassador to Belgium, has joined the international law firm DLA Piper as a strategic adviser.

DLA Piper, with 3,400 lawyers in 25 countries, is one of the largest law firms in the United States. Korologos was ambassador to Belgium from July 2004 to February of this year. Before that, he served as senior counsel for congressional affairs with the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq under Paul Bremer.

"I've been poking around the international arena all my Washington career and also my experience in Washington on Capitol Hill and around the town so I'm going to be advising clients and advising other members of the firm on directions to take, things to do and how we can accomplish our clients' objects," Korologos said.

Born in Salt Lake City, the son of a Greek immigrant whose family ran a popular bar at the corner of 400 South and State streets, Korologos earned a bachelor of arts in 1955 at the University of Utah. He worked on the sports desk at The Salt Lake Tribune and at the New York Herald , Long Island Press and for The Associated Press before joining the staff of the late Sen. Wallace Bennett, father of current U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah.

Korologos served in the Nixon and Ford administrations as deputy assistant to the president for legislative affairs. He was director of congressional relations for the Reagan transition and was a member of the Bush-Cheney transition team. He coached numerous Republican nominees through the Senate confirmation process, including Supreme Court justices.

His longtime lobbying for the GOP and conservative causes earned him the nickname of "the 101st Senator."

Before his Iraq assignment, Korologos was president of Timmons and Co., the Washington consulting firm he founded with another former Nixon aide, William Timmons, in 1975.

Korologos is married to former Reagan administration Labor Secretary Ann McLaughlin Korologos. The two are considered one of Washington's "power couples" and are prominent both politically and socially.