This is an archived article that was published on in 2008, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Posted: 1:22 PM- A federal judge in Utah has set a May 1 deadline for the government to release a report on a man who died while in custody in Oklahoma.

Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue claims his brother, Kenneth Trentadue, died during an interrogation by investigators, four months after the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

The government has denied the allegation and insisted that Trentadue committed suicide.

During a hearing Thursday, U.S. District Judge Ted Stewart gave the government three weeks to release the report to Jesse Trentadue or face contempt of court action.

Kenneth Trentadue, 44, a convicted bank robber, was picked up on a parole violation in California in 1995 and transported to Oklahoma City for further proceedings.

During that time, the FBI was investigating the bombing of the Murrah federal building, which killed 168 people.

Trentadue's survivors filed a lawsuit claiming they suffered emotional distress because the government had not told them how he died or that an autopsy had been performed.

They said they opened his casket and found Trentadue's throat had been slashed with a toothpaste tube and he had been hanged with a braided bedsheet.

After a 2001 trial, a federal judge in Oklahoma City ordered the government to pay $1.1 million, saying the government's conduct was outrageous and caused the family severe emotional distress.

But the judge said Trentadue had committed suicide and that allegations of a conspiracy by prison officials to cover up a murder were just speculation.