This is an archived article that was published on in 2008, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
In April, The Tribune published a letter from me that contrasted my fuel costs from commuting to work with the price of a FrontRunner pass. With a monthly savings of only $20, plus a two-mile walk from the station to work, I concluded that commuter rail was not for me ("FrontRunner math," Forum, April 14).
The feedback that I received about the letter made me look at the problem with a more open mind. So when the fare was free, I took FrontRunner to work and arranged to be picked up at the Woods Cross station by a fellow employee who lives in the area. I tried it again the next day.
That night I went looking for a monthly pass. The Harmons and Winegar's grocery stores in Roy were both sold out, and I bought the last one at the Smith's in Sunset.
My new commute takes about the same amount of time, but it only has two stop signs and the stress level is absolutely zero. Two fellow employees now join me.
Thanks to all who responded to my letter and helped me keep an open mind about public transportation. I will be riding the train well into the future.
Cole Carothers