This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Last week, the Food Network praised the Utah scone as the state's "best breakfast."
This week, the deep-fried dough ball gets a thumbs down in Health magazine for being the fattiest food in the state. (Which is obviously why it received the first honor).
The fat content of a single scone made with yeast, water (or buttermilk) sugar, eggs, salt, flour and oil for frying, ranges from 6 to 8 grams, but it can have as much as 10 grams with a generous dollop of honey butter, editors wrote.
That's not good, but it's significantly better than the South Dakota's fry bread, which uses lard and averages 25 grams of fat.
Or how about Alaska's fattiest food, the Eskimo Ice Cream called akutaq, (pronounced agoodi). When it's made with reindeer fat it packs a whopping 91 grams of fat.
The state-by-state list of fattiest foods is at
Kathy Stephenson