This is an archived article that was published on in 2009, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
West Valley City police have ruled the case of a woman found dead in her apartment complex over the weekend a homicide.
Damiana Castillo, 57, was found in her apartment around 10 a.m. on Sunday when her 32-year-old son came to visit her at the Scottsdale Apartments, 4000 S. Redwood Road, police said.
Police originally categorized Castillo's death as suspicious, but now say foul play was involved based on autopsy information, said Capt. Tom McLachlan of the West Valley City Police Department.
McLachlan declined to release Castillo's cause of death and wouldn't specify what type of injuries police found on her at the scene or how those injuries occurred.
Police said on Sunday that there were no signs of forced entry into Castillo's apartment.
McLachlan said there are no suspects in the case and police don't know the motive for Castillo's murder.
- Melinda Rogers