This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Women Tech Council presented five women with Women Tech Awards on Thursday.

The Women Tech Council was founded in 2007 as an advocate for women who work for technology companies and/or with technology in their jobs.

The five were recognized for "outstanding contributions in their communities and industries" at an awards luncheon in Salt Lake City. Finalists and winners were chosen by a committee from the technology industry, venture capital firms, and government and professional communities.

They are:

Entrepreneurial Excellence • Padma Allen,president and CFO of TechnoDyne LLC of New Jersey.

Technology Innovator • Carol Campbell, senior manager of propellant and pyrotechnics research and development at ATK Aerospace.

Leadership Excellence • Carol Fineagan, senior vice president and chief information officer of EnergySolutions.

Rising Star • Chiao-ih Hui, program manager at L-3 Communications.

Education Excellence • Laura G. Hunter, chief content officer, Utah Education Network.