This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The Fly Fishing Film Tour, which hit Salt Lake and Logan over the winter, is making a return for a one-night showing June 10 at Peery's Egyptian Theater in Ogden. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
The Salt Lake show sold out and a lively crowd enjoyed the collection of films. Proceeds from the screening will be used to help restore the Ogden River.
Advance tickets are $12 at local shops (email for locations) and $15 at the Egyptian Theater box office and online at
National Trails Day
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation, the Forest Service, Salt Lake City Watershed and the REI store in Salt Lake are joining forces and seeking volunteers to do trail work in Mill Creek Canyon on June 4 starting at 7:30 a.m.
Work involves trail improvements and invasive-weed removal.
Tools will be provided. A light breakfast, lunch and a free T-shirt are a part of the work.
Pre-registration is required by calling at 801-466-6411, emailing or stopping by the Public Lands Information Center at the REI store.
Birding trips
Great Salt Lake Audubon is holding the following birding trips. Contact the leaders to confirm.
June 1 • Jack Clark and Sylvia Gray are leading the monthly survey at Mountain Dell Recreation Area in Parleys Canyon. Starts at 7:30 a.m. Call Jack (801-255-7989) or Sylvia (801-532-3486).
June 4 • Dave Hanscom is leading a trip to the Jordanelle Wetlands Preserve and Heber Fields starting at 7 a.m. Sightings in recent years include American redstart, northern waterthrush, willow flycatcher and purple gallinule. Call Dave (801-550-1777).
Utah State Park events
June 1–July 31 • Antelope Island State Park is holding an art exhibit of the wildlife and scenic photography of Tom Mathewson. 801-725-9263.
June 4 • Dead Horse Point State Park near Moab is holding a star party. Experience some of the darkest skies in North America and view stars through a telescope. Meet at the visitor center amphitheater at 9 p.m. 435-259-2614.
June 4 • Yuba State Park near Levan is holding a fishing tournament. Registration starts at 6 a.m. Fishing starts at 7 a.m. Cost is $25 per angler. 801-423-9118.
June 4 • Antelope Island State Park is holding a Junior Ranger Program at 2 p.m. on the historic engines and tractors at historic Fielding Garr Ranch. Though this informative Junior Ranger program is geared for children 6 to 12, everyone is welcome. 801-649-5742.
June 4 • Wasatch Mountain State Park in Midway is holding Wasatch Trails Day. Join park staff and volunteers as we spend time in the park, building and maintaining trails. Meet at the visitor center at 9 a.m. 435-654-1791.
June 4 • Wasatch Mountain State Park in Midway is holding a Pathways to Fishing program on Free Fishing Day. Children up to age 14 are invited to join park staff and Division of Wildlife volunteers at the visitor center pond from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a day of fun. Space is limited and registration is required. 435-654-1791.
June 5 • Dead Horse Point State Park near Moab is holding a morning bird walk. Meet at 6 a.m. at the visitor center amphitheater. Learn common desert birds, their calls and field markings. Bring good shoes, hat, sunscreen and plenty of water. 435-259-2614.
June 11 • Great Salt Lake State Marina is holding the Great Salt Lake Open Water Swim. Swim one mile in the Great Salt Lake from the marina to Black Rock Beach. The eight-mile swim from Antelope Island to Saltair is full. For more information, visit
To get your event listed, email the info to or mail it to Brett Prttyman, The Salt Lake Tribune 90 S. 400 West, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.