This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Ryan Bundy, son of Nevada rancher-cum-anti-government militia icon Cliven Bundy, was arrested after an alleged dispute with Iron County sheriff's deputies Tuesday in Cedar City.
Ryan Bundy, 42, who has recorded addresses both in Cedar City and in Bunkerville, Nev., was at the Iron County Justice Court on Tuesday for an arraignment on a trespassing case. While Bundy was at the courthouse, deputies approached him to serve an arrest warrant on a separate misdemeanor charge of interfering with an animal control officer.
"When told about the warrant, Mr. Bundy both verbally and physically resisted the deputies' attempts to take him into custody," deputies wrote in a press statement. "Deputies were able to overcome his resistance and arrested Mr. Bundy."
He was booked into jail on the initial charge of interfering with an animal control officer and also on suspicion of resisting arrest, deputies wrote.
In the charge of interfering with an animal control officer, investigators wrote that a Cedar City officer found a horse, later claimed as Bundy's, running unattended near the airport. The officer took the horse to the animal shelter, where it was kept outside.
The next day, the same officer stopped by the shelter to check on the horse but found it was no longer there. The officer later found the horse corralled on property belonging to Ryan Bundy, who allegedly said he took the horse from the shelter because the horse belonged to him.
Bundy was charged because ownership must be established with animal control officers before animals may be removed from the shelter, said Cedar City prosecutor Randall McUne.
No charges have been filed on the new resisting arrest allegation. Details in the trespassing case were not immediately available.
Bundy's family has been in the national spotlight since his father's longtime refusal to pay grazing fees to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management led to an armed standoff at Bunkerville last April between federal agents and militia members who joined protesters in support of Cliven Bundy.
Ryan Bundy fired another salvo at the BLM in May when he and some of the same armed militia members who joined his father in Bunkerville joined in an illegal ATV ride May 10 in Utah's Recapture Canyon. The ride was led by San Juan Commissioner Phil Lyman to protest what the group called federal "overreach," especially the ban on motorized vehicles in the archaeologically sensitive canyon.
Bundy was not charged in the ATV ride, and no charges were filed in the Nevada standoff, where the Bundys' supporters pointed high-powered weapons at officers.
But Ryan Bundy has been prosecuted in an assortment of misdemeanor cases in Iron County.
In addition to the pending cases associated with Tuesday's arrest, Bundy in 2012 pleaded guilty in abeyance to a misdemeanor theft charge in Iron County's Fifth District Court; was convicted by an Iron County Justice Court judge in 2011 of misdemeanor vehicle violations; pleaded no contest in 2008 to a misdemeanor charge of interfering with arrest; and pleaded guilty to burning without a permit in 2006.