This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Study: Utah's Mike Lee the most 'extreme' senator. Poll: Utahns gets their legislative news from TV. A new bill to legalize medical marijuana.
Happy Friday. Sens. Mike Lee and Elizabeth Warren have something in common: Both are the Senate's most ideologically extreme senators. Utah Data Points' Michael Barber ran the voting record to find that Lee is the most "extreme" senator in the current Congress, and in Utah's history. [" target="_blank">UtahDataPoints]
Topping the news: A new poll says Utahns look to television to get their news about Capitol Hill, and few turn to social media for their legislative hookup. [" target="_blank">UtahPolicy]
-> In a first for Utah, one lawmaker is preparing a bill that would legalize medical marijuana and establish dispensaries to sell it. However, Gov. Gary Herbert has said in the past that he is opposed to the legalization of medical marijuana. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee, who also signed two memos clearing the CIA to torture terror suspects, spoke to University of Utah law students yesterday about the bounds and limits set by the Constitution. [" target="_blank">Trib]
Tweets of the day: From @" target="_blank">StuJensen "You know we are getting to the good stuff when the Senate circles every other bill."
From @" target="_blank">RobertGehrke "Adams: 'I may walk out of the session without any friends.' Hillyard: 'It's how you went in.'"
Happy Birthday: To to state Reps. Earl Tanner and Keven Stratton.
Tune in: Tribune education reporter Benjamin Wood, City Hall reporter Christopher Smart, government and politics editor Dan Harrie and columnist Paul Rolly join Jennifer Napier-Pearce to talk about the week's top stories including the debate over Healthy Utah, the Zion Curtain, partisan school boards and the homeless shelter. Listen to Behind the Headlines at 9 a.m. on KCPW 88.3/105.3 FM.
From Capitol Hill: Sen. Orrin Hatch and Rep. Rob Bishop spoke to the Utah Legislature yesterday, sharing a similar message: States should have more power over local decisions. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> House Republicans met behind closed doors yesterday to discuss Medicaid expansion, and much like their Senate counterparts, came away without reaching a consensus. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox announced changes to Gov. Herbert's Healthy Utah plan, including getting rid of the tax increases and cutting the number of years of the program. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Republican Party leaders voted unanimously yesterday to support delaying the Count My Vote changes to Utah's nomination system until 2018, after party leaders insisted that the party doesn't have time to comply with the requirements. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> The House passed a bill yesterday that would give terminally ill patients the "Right To Try"experimental medication that hasn't been approved by regulators yet. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Utah lawmakers introduced a new bill yesterday that would change the gas tax to a percentage per gallon instead of a flat rate, a move that would not raise the tax immediately but allow it to increase in the future. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> A bill was killed in committee yesterday that would raise the minimum wage of tipped workers from $2.13 to $7.25. But the bill sponsor says he plans to bring it back during the next legislative session. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews] [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> A House committee voted yesterday to approve a bill that would tighten the security on school devices to make sure kids can't access pornography. [" target="_blank">Trib] [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Lawmakers are discussing a new bill that would require sperm and egg donors to provide their medial histories to children conceived through artificial insemination. [" target="_blank">Trib]
-> Lawmakers approved a resolution yesterday that would urge Congress to lift the ban on long trailers on the highways in Utah and other states. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> A new piece of legislation is in the works that would regulate and tax e-cigarettes, bringing them closer to the status of other tobacco products. [" target="_blank">StandardExaminer]
-> Lawmakers have begun negotiating about a compromise bill for LGBT and religious rights. [" target="_blank">Fox13] Rep. Stuart Adams said yesterday that it would be "miraculous" to successfully pass a bill merging religious rights and nondiscrimination toward the LGBT community. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Meanwhile, the Salt Lake branch of the NAACP voiced its opposition to a religious liberties bill Wednesday, saying it would destroy Utah's civil rights. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> The Senate approved a bill yesterday that would exempt breastfeeding mothers from jury duty. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> A lawmaker introduced a bill yesterday that would require an outside agency to investigate a police officer's use of force. [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> A new measure would regulate police's use of thermal imaging and radar technology. [" target="_blank">StandardExaminer]
-> A new Senate bill would deregulate the process behind metal recycling. [" target="_blank">ABC4]
-> Backed by animal advocates, lawmakers introduced a bill yesterday that would outlaw gas chambers in Utah's animal shelters. [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> After previously voting it down, the House voted yesterday to reconsider a bill that would create a task force to find out why Utahns aren't voting. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Ethnically diverse Utah children packed into the Capitol yesterday for Multicultural Youth Leadership Day, a day to inspire them to strive for educational excellence. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> And here's today's schedule for the Legislature: [" target="_blank">Trib]
In other news: Gov. Herbert says he would use his forthcoming position as chairman of the National Governors Association to help Americans understand the meaning of federalism. [" target="_blank">DNews]
-> Utah residents gathered for a Tribune-sponsored town hall meeting last night to discuss deadly police shootings in Utah. Four have already happened this year. [" target="_blank">ABC4]
-> Utah spends less amount of money per student than any state in the nation, and it would take a lot to bring it up to the national average. [" target="_blank">Fox13]
-> Lehi City Council members approved an amendment to prohibit development in environmentally sensitive areas in the city. [" target="_blank">Herald]
-> Activists behind the We Decide Utah movement failed to get enough petition signatures to put the fate of a piece of land on the Alpine mountainside in the hands of the people. However, they say the movement still wasn't a waste. [" target="_blank">Herald]
-> Paul Rolly discusses instances, such as the clearly labeled "White Section" at a recent Capitol luncheon, that may not really be as they seem. [" target="_blank">Trib]
Nationally: Democrats blasted former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani yesterday for his recent comments that he thinks President Barack Obama doesn't love America. [" target="_blank">AP] [" target="_blank">CNN] [" target="_blank">LATimes] Giuliani later expanded on his remarks, saying he hears Obama criticize America more than he praises it. [" target="_blank">Politico] [" target="_blank">NYTimes]
-> Obama returned to his hometown of Chicago yesterday to dedicate the city's first national monument celebrating civil rights. [" target="_blank">WaPost] [" target="_blank">ABC] [" target="_blank">HuffPost]
Where are they?
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Thomas Burr and Erica Palmer" target="_blank"> and">