This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

First, there was the leaked LDS Church policy change that essentially bars children of same-sex couples from being baptized until adulthood.

That didn't go over too well with much of the public.

Then there was 7th District Juvenile Court Judge Scott Johansen ordering an infant foster child removed from the home of a legally married and licensed foster couple because they are lesbians.

That went over so badly he has recused himself from the case.

Now, at their Mormon worship services Sunday, students at Brigham Young University-Idaho, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, received in their sacrament meeting programs an invitation to "an evening of discussion with a professional counselor who has helped many overcome same-gender attraction."

Call it a trifecta.

The Daily Beast reported that once the event about widely discredited "conversion therapy" was made public, the discussion, scheduled for Sunday, was canceled by the Rexburg student congregation that originally planned it.

The flier invited LDS congregants to visit the website of the scheduled lecturer, marriage and family counselor Michael D. Williams. "People can and do overcome same-gender attraction," the flier said, "and enjoy rich, full lives with marriage partners of the opposite-sex without regrets."

The American Psychological Association's reviews have found sexual-orientation conversion therapies to be not only ineffective, but also potentially harmful.

A New Jersey jury earlier this year found a conversion-therapy organization guilty of fraud after a group of gay men sued.

Other conversion bids? • The Rev. Jean Schwien of Millcreek's Christ United Methodist Church complained in a letter to The Salt Lake Tribune that when worshippers left Sunday's services, they discovered stuck under their windshield wipers "LDS propaganda."

"Our church works cooperatively with [LDS] wards in our area to provide shelter for homeless families," she wrote. "Our Wesley Bell Ringers perform concerts for local wards. We do not try to convert LDS folks to our United Methodist faith. Why in the world would LDS people be trespassing on our church property to recruit for a faith that we clearly are not interested in being part of? We've chosen to be Methodist, not Mormon."

Schwien said she has contacted Mormon officials to complain, but "conveniently, each person I've talked to claims to have no idea why LDS advertisements were placed on vehicles parked in a United Methodist Church lot."

You say tomato • Gov. Gary Herbert's office issued a statement Monday clarifying his position on accepting Syrian refugees after declining to join other Republican governors who vow to block the refugees from coming into their states.

Those governors were responding to the terrorist attacks that killed at least 129 people in Paris last week.

Here's The Tribune's headline over Tuesday's story: "Paris aftermath: Herbert breaks ranks with many Republican governors, says Utah will accept refugees from Syria."

Here's the Deseret News headline over the same story: "Utah among states wary of refugees from Syria."

The Tribune story focused on the part of the statement from Herbert's communications director, Jon Cox, that said: "Utahns are well known for our compassion for those who are fleeing the violence in their homeland, and we will work to do all we can to ease their suffering without compromising public safety."

The News, focusing on a different part of the statement, reported: "Gov. Herbert has ordered the Utah Department of Public Safety to 'immediately re-evaluate' federal processes for vetting refugees and has not ruled out the possibility of blocking Syrian refugees from being resettled in Utah."

It added Cox's comment that the governor, along with Utah's congressional delegation, will "diligently assess these security protocols, and if warranted, implement a change in state policy," which is acceptance of refugees escaping violence in their homeland.

Missed opportunity • The Tribune reported Wednesday about a trip to Switzerland taken by Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes, R-Draper, other legislators and members of the Utah Transit Authority to gather information about that country's transportation system and its rail access to ski resorts.

Too bad lawmakers didn't check out the Swiss health-care system, since it's considered to be one of the world's best. Utah's Legislature can't even get its act together to vote on an alternative to Medicaid expansion.