This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The Salt Lake Tribune wrote a report on our "Solar energy sham." The Internal Revenue Service/Department of Justice issued a civil complaint to try and stop our energy company from succeeding. They say our remarkable breakthrough technologies will never work.
However, neither the IRS/DOJ or the Salt Lake Tribune has ever been down to our Delta site and examined our technologies first hand. Yet, many hundreds have, and this includes many prestigious scientists and engineers.
Neldon Johnson, the inventor, has more than 70 patents and patents pending. What do they do? They will very soon bring us clean 24/7 renewable energy at prices lower than coal or oil, and they will do it huge abundance. They will inexpensively bring us billions of gallons of pure water to every corner of the world. Our technologies are already in high demand.
Many hundreds of Utahns and Americans are hopping mad. Everyone should be. With an egregious abuse of power, the IRS/DOJ is attempting to keep these precious technologies from our state and our nation. Why?
Greg Shepard
RaPower3 chief director of operations