This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Yes, there is a disconnect between delegates and mainstream voters.
There is also a disconnect in the number of people who attend caucus meetings and those who vote in the primary. Delegates vie to be actively involved in the selection process of candidates.
Listening to neighbors is one requirement of a delegate. The Utah GOP website states, "As a delegate it is your job to listen to your neighbors, ask questions of the candidates and learn about the needs of your community."
Attending county conventions opened my eyes to just how accessible candidates are.
Candidates who seem unreachable are accessible. Delegates can visit with them face to face. They ask questions. They use the knowledge they gain to discern which candidates will best represent their neighbors. How many mainstream voters get that opportunity?
Regarding the governor's race, I planned to vote for Gary Herbert. After visiting with Jonathan Johnson I made a different decision. I recognized clear differences.
Herbert was campaigning on his accomplishments. Johnson was campaigning on his vision for Utah's future. State delegates had the same opportunity, and that accounts for the difference.
Michelle Walter
Santa Clara