This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A multi-vehicle crash closed down a section of U.S. 89 in Sanpete County early Monday afternoon, but no fatalities or critical injuries were initially reported.
Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Todd Royce said investigation into the crash was just beginning, but it appeared that two semi-trailer rigs and a pickup truck were involved in the 12:08 p.m. accident.
One person had to be extricated from wreckage. His condition was not immediately known, but he was not believed to have suffered any life-threatening injuries.
UHP closed down the highway in both directions at the accident scene. It was expected to take several hours to clear the scene, about midway between Fairview and Mt. Pleasant.
The Tribune will update this story as more details develop.
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