This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

As a personal trainer based out of Bountiful, Nick Olsen was looking for an edge that would set him apart from other trainers.

Olsen considered getting a master's degree in nutrition, but felt the first step would be living the example he'd set forth for his clients.

"I wanted to do something extreme with my body that would create some attention and awareness of me as a trainer," Olsen said, "which is when I started the 8-month process of getting my body ready for a natural body-building show back in 2010."

Olsen said the first phase of getting ready for competition was three months of bulking up — a period of eating more than 6,000 calories per day. This was followed by four months of dieting and trying to decrease fat while maintaining muscle.

Then he sought out Shane Heugly, a natural body building coach who, with his wife, Tiffany, helps prepare contestants for competition.

"It takes a lot of work, but with diet, supplementation and nutrition, if you put it all together you can make an award-winning physique," said Heugly.

Another of Heugly's clients, Lani Tamaki, took up the sport after studying classical ballet for 13 years.

"I really like the competition aspect of it. It's important to have goals, and when you're there competing against other people who want to beat you, it helps fuel you," said Tamaki. "Every day in the gym I tell myself there's someone out there working harder, eating better and doing more than you are. I use it to push myself to my best every day."

Olsen has competed twice in the NGA (National Gym Association) Mr. Utah in 2010 and 2011, taking third place and fourth place, respectively. He also won the 2011 Gold's Gym Fitness Model Search. Through his website he is now working to help others achieve their goals.

When clients ask him for training advice, Olsen feels the more important question is asking them why. Achieving a high level in bodybuilding requires a significant commitment.

"You have to get your priorities straight first," Olsen said. "It's hard work. You have to ask if you are willing to fit that lifestyle into your life."

Olsen plans to compete next in the Mountain States NGA Show in October and will compete again next year in the NGA Mr. Utah. —

Olsen's career highlights

2011 • Winner of Gold's Gym Fitness Model Search 2011

2010 • NGA Mr. Utah (Natural bodybuilding) third place

2010 • Jordanelle Triathlon sprint first place

2006 • Copenhagen Marathon

2006 • BT ½ marathon top 200 (out of 7,000)

2005 • La Santa Sport Triathlon second place