This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
West Jordan • Casey Ashworth and his dad had plans to go target shooting at Utah Lake New Year's weekend but now that won't happen.
As police worked Friday to piece together the events that led West Valley City officers to shoot and kill 49-year-old Kent C. Ashworth, Casey Ashworth, the man's only son, and his family were struggling to make sense of his death.
He said his dad bought him a rifle for Christmas and bought himself a .45-caliber handgun so the family could enjoy more time together target shooting.
"We were going on Saturday out to Utah Lake to set up some targets," 27-year-old Casey Ashworth said.
The family has no idea what led to the shooting. Family members said they didn't even know he had left his home.
West Valley City police Sgt. Mike Powell said Friday three officers fired at Ashworth after "multiple" commands to drop his handgun. The officers are on administrative leave, pending an investigation.
"It was a dream," said Casey Ashworth, recounting his thoughts upon hearing of his father's death. "You only think that stuff happens to criminals."
Witnesses on Thursday afternoon reported seeing Ashworth, armed with a large-caliber handgun, approach an officer in a squad car. Several other officers soon rushed to the scene near the West Valley City Public Works Building near 2800 South and 3600 West, where police officers routinely refuel their vehicles.
"That's not him," said Ashworth's ex-wife, Lorie Ashworth, in reaction to reports Ashworth had approached an officer with a handgun. "He was a gentle man, he would have never hurt anybody."
Kent Ashworth had a liver disease that kept him in the hospital for more than three months earlier in the year. He moved from Colorado to West Jordan to be closer to family in August.
"From what we gather from the doctors, when your liver starts failing, it starts messing with your head," Casey Ashworth said. His father, a journeyman plumber, and former firefighter was upset that he was unable to work.
"That really took a lot out of him," Casey Ashworth said.
Casey said his dad was in between medications for his liver and stopped taking them recently "because it was making him sick and giving him bad dreams."
Casey Ashworth said his father seemed in good spirits Wednesday night, as the two men worked to build a toy box for Casey's young son.
His family describes Kent Ashworth as a funny family man who is always cracking jokes.
"He was a real good guy," Casey said. "He'd do anything for you. What happened was completely out of character. He was a real gentle guy."
On Friday, Casey Ashworth said he had not spoken with police about his father's death.
"I would like to talk to police and see what happened." Casey said. "I'm mad that he is shot and dead, but I wasn't there. I don't know what happened."
While funeral arrangements are pending Casey said reality still hasn't sunk in. "I don't think it will until I see him."
Bob Mims contributed to this report.