This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
In "Time for same-sex LDS marriages" (Opinion, April 4), Brad Carmack illustrates one of Mormonism's best attributes: It is ultimately pragmatic, open to change.
Change may take longer in coming than many want (Mormonism's rarely on the cutting edge of social change), but it comes: polygamy, blacks and the priesthood, the role of women and, as Carmack's changing views on same-sex marriage illustrate, homosexuality.
Carmack is correct that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, and all the scriptures, including additional Mormon scriptures, have scant to say about the topic: doctrine or policy or "folk beliefs" are mere commentary.
In contrast, Jesus had a lot to say about divorce (and so do other scriptures), and with rare exception, it was "No!" Yet divorce is common among practicing Mormons. Despite such explicit commands, they've found a way to be pragmatic, to accommodate the reality of the human condition.
In time, as Mormons educate themselves on the nature of homosexuality, as Carmack did, they, too, will find a way to accommodate their religion to this human condition. Of course, by that time some of the biggest opponents, those who refuse to see (for example, Apostle Boyd K. Packer), will have died.
Dean Spencer
Salt Lake City