This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Stuart Young laments that The Tribune is liberal when "the conservative view is the one most valued and appreciated" by Utahns ("Trib too liberal," Forum, July 2).

How conservative does this state need to be? Being a liberal in Utah is unrewarding enough, without having to censor our only moderate news source.

The Trib does a good job of actually reporting the news in an unbiased way. If a person wants only conservative spin, our local news media offer plenty of choices.

I would single out political cartoonist Pat Bagley, but for a different reason than Young does. We are lucky to have a nationally recognized talent in our small market. Bagley is truly the best at what he does, and we should all be glad he has chosen to stay here.

Jeff Heyn

Salt Lake City