This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The world doesn't have much regard for the president of the United States. That's the somewhat unsurprising takeaway from a massive new Pew study polling attitudes toward the United States in 37 countries, from Canada to Russia to South Africa.

But the degree to which the world dislikes President Donald Trump is, by some measures, rather remarkable. Below are four findings that stood out to me.

1. The world distrusts Trump more than even Vladimir Putin

Plenty of folks have pointed to the finding that Russia is one of the few countries that actually likes Trump — a 53 percent majority there has confidence in Trump to do the right thing on the world stage — but another Putin-related finding is even more telling.

According to the poll, significantly more of the people surveyed in those 37 countries distrust Trump than distrust Putin. While 59 percent of people say they have no confidence in the Russian president to do the right thing, 74 percent have no confidence in Trump.

This is in part because views of Trump are almost universally negative (save for Russia, Israel and Africa), while Putin has more bright spots, including an 87 percent confidence rating at home in Russia and solid marks in some countries such as Vietnam (79 percent confidence), the Philippines (54 percent), Greece (50 percent) and Lebanon (46 percent).

But if I had told you two years ago that we'd have a president that was held in worse regard globally than Putin, would you have believed me?

2. In each of allied countries, 9 out of 10 view Trump as "arrogant," 7 in 10 as "dangerous"

Trump has rewritten U.S. foreign policy by, in many cases, spurning allies while playing nice with authoritarian regimes and strongmen such as Putin. And views of Trump in Western Europe and North America reflect that.

Perhaps the most remarkable finding on that front is that about 9 out of 10 people in many of these countries describe Trump as "arrogant," and about 7 in 10 in many of them label him "dangerous."

In each of Canada, Mexico, Spain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Britain and Australia, at least 89 percent describe Trump as arrogant, while at least 69 percent describe him as dangerous. Many of these countries, again, are chief allies and leaders of the developed world.

3. Even nationalists don't love Trump

One of the biggest narratives in Europe recently has been whether the strain of populism and nationalism that Trump and Brexit embodied would catch on in other countries. Signals are mixed on that front. But the agendas of these nationalist movements certainly mirror Trump's.

And yet the Pew study actually suggests that those right-wing populists in Europe aren't even on the Trump Train.

They are certainly more favorable toward Trump than the rest of their countries, true. But just 39 percent of those with a favorable view of the National Front party (the one led by Marine Le Pen, who lost in a landslide in France's presidential election last month) also have confidence in Trump. The U.K. Independence Party is similar, with 44 percent of those approving of it also having confidence in Trump. In no country does even half of this demographic have confidence in Trump.

So for a president with basically no positive marks across the globe — again, with the notable exceptions of Israel and Russia — even this logically pro-Trump constituency isn't all that pro-Trump.

4. Trump's reputation is already worse than George W. Bush's — at the depths of his presidency

By the end of George W. Bush's presidency, disapproval of the Iraq War had sullied the United States's reputation in Europe and across the world. And yet even at the beginning of his presidency, Trump is already in marginally worse shape than Bush ever was — before any international crises.

In Bush's first term, his confidence ratings in Britain and Germany flirted with 50 percent; Trump is already at 22 percent and 11 percent in those countries, respectively.

So even without a big war or other international crisis, Trump was already in sub-Bush territory in a number of these countries. And before folks start pointing to Trump pulling out of the Paris climate agreement as a crisis, this poll was conducted before that — from Feb. 16 to May 8.

In other words, this was all baked in very early in Trump's presidency. The president who many feared couldn't handle the delicate dance of diplomacy on the world stage certainly has his work cut out for him on that front.