This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Urquhart for McAdams. Obamas on 'The View.' 43 days until Nov. 6.

Happy Monday. Mitt Romney's conservative views may be rooted in his faith, which offers its own humanitarian aide and social service network without government assistance. It also make help explain his "47 percent" remark. [LATimes]

-> A new survey shows Romney ruling in America's rural areas but finding trouble in more urban settings. [NPR]

Topping the news: At Gov. Gary Herbert's annual black-tie gala in Salt Lake City, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie offered attendees a harsh critique of the president's ability to lead. [Trib] [DNews] [Fox13]

-> State Sen. Steve Urquhart, a Republican, comes out in favor of state Sen. Ben McAdams bid for SL County mayor. [SteveU]

Tweet of the day: From @RobertGehrke: "TV teaser showed a @BenMcAdams lawn sign in the yard at a SWAT standoff with a guy purported to be Jesus. You can't buy that kind of p.r."

And from @davidgregory: "After four straight political ads on tv my ten year old says 'I don't know who to believe.'"

Happy birthday: to state Rep. Bradley Last, SL Co. Deputy Mayor Nichole Dunn and to Sen. Orrin Hatch's chief of staff, Michael J. Kennedy.

Opinion section: Rep. Jason Chaffetz uses the "Fast and Furious" probe as an example of why oversight in politics is a matter of great importance. [Trib]

-> The Tribune backs Sen. Orrin Hatch, arguing his experience in Congress and the potential for him to become chairman of the Finance Committee could bring major clout for Utah. [Trib]

-> The Tribune also endorses Rep. Jason Chaffetz, saying he has the ability to work with folks across the aisle and understand the nuts and bolts of issues. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly talks about his professional relationship with Rep. Mike Noel. [Trib]

-> Former Sen. Bob Bennett warns against falling for "bumper sticker" analysis and bumper sticker promises in the presidential race. [DNews]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on the craziness spilling out in the Middle East over cartoons. [Trib]

-> Syndicated columnist George Will weighs in on the Mia Love v. Jim Matheson battle in Utah's 4th Congressional District. [WaPost]

-> Frank Pignanelli and LaVarr Webb discuss a Romney recovery. [DNews]

Weekend in review: An "unprecedented" amount of money has been poured into attack ads for the Jim Matheson-Mia Love contest in Utah's 4th Congressional District. [DNews]

-> Utah's unemployment rate dropped in 5.8 percent in August. [APviaDnews]

-> Meg Holbrook, former state chair, receives the Democratic Party's Eleanor Roosevelt Award and will be honored on Oct. 9. [Trib]

-> The Senate confirmed late Friday the nomination of Robert Shelby to take a job as a federal judge in Utah. [Trib]

-> Herbert appointed former state Rep. Holly Richardson to the State Records Committee, a conservative blogger who once supported a bill that some say would have made government records less accessible to the public. [Trib]

-> A Thursday session sponsored by the Legislature's Economic Development Task Force focused on the relationship between air quality and work quality. [Trib]

-> D.C. Notebook: A Romney-inspired burger finds its way onto menus at BLT Steak in Washington, fry sauce and all; Utah serves as a Romney ATM; and a Jon Huntsman PAC disbands. [Trib]

2012 watch: To make good on an earlier promise, Romney releases his 2011 tax returns, revealing a 14 percent tax rate. [NYTimes] [CNN] In a "60 Minutes" interview, he defends his tax rate as "fair." [Reuters]

-> In order to maintain a tax rate of at least 13 percent, Romney only wrote off $1 million of the $2.6 million he paid to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and also only a portion of other charity. [Trib]

-> Slate notes that Romney once said that if he paid more taxes to the government than required, he shouldn't be qualified to be president. [Slate]

-> On Sunday, former President Bill Clinton said during a CBS interview that having millionaires pay low tax rates won't help turn the economy around. [Business Week]

-> Recent arguments between Obama and Romney offer voters a preview of the first presidential debate. [NYTimes]

-> The Obama campaign fears that promising poll numbers might reduce voter turnout. [WaPost]

-> For Romney, it's full swing ahead. [BusinessWeek]

-> Utah's Lily Eskelsen serves as vice president of the National Education Association, an organization that launched an "Educators for Obama" group with over three million members. [Trib]

-> Pants on fire: the president's claim that gun-walking operation Fast and Furious wasn't started under his watch is wrong. [WaPost]

-> Congress, with a 13 percent approval rate, passed a spending bill and immediately left to hit the campaign trail. [APviaLATimes] Obama reprimanded the lawmakers for "skipping town." [CBSNews]

-> Vice President Joe Biden capitalizes on Romney's "47 percent" remark while campaigning in New Hampshire this weekend. [BostonHerald]

-> Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham says that the gaffe-distracted campaigns will have to bring it back to the economy. [Politico]

-> An interactive map of the U.S. lets you see which states the candidates and their spouses have campaigned in — and how often. [WaPost]

Where are they?

Gov. Gary Herbert meets with a National Guard leaders and later sits down with the National Association State Chief Administrators meeting at the Governor's Mansion.

Lt. Gov. Greg Bell speaks to Judge Michele Christiansen's class and later at an IASIS Healthcare conference.

SL Co. Mayor Peter Corroon begins with a Cabinet meeting before heading to a noon Utah Technology Corporation board meeting.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker spends time in Texas for a United States Conference of Mayors leadership meeting.

President Barack Obama travels to New York City in the afternoon for an appearance on "The View."

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Betsy and