This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re "As winter nears, time to install, check CO alarms" (Tribune, Oct. 23): If it wasn't for my CO alarm, I would not be here writing this letter.

A few years back, during a terrific snowstorm, my power was out for three days. The first day, I decided to use my gas log, which I hadn't used for some time. After rallying in the warmth, my alarm went off, "Danger, carbon monoxide poisoning."

Well that alerted me and I quickly turned off the gas log, opened all the windows and doors, letting in the cold air. I had failed to open the flue all the way.

So, if I had not had a CO alarm, I and my little dog would have gone to sleep, never to awaken.

Luana Chapman
