This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Park City • A Summit County man says he has discovered a long-lost gold mine whose history could date all the way back to a group of Jesuit priests in 1650.

Many Utahns know the legend of the "Lost Josephine" mine, said to contain an abundance of gold. Gary Holt claims not only that he's found the mine, but he also has been pulling out a material he calls "Goldcite," a kind of calcite, and marketing it in the form of rings he's made. He says he's mined $30 million worth of the stuff so far.

In February, Holt's plan to mine the calcite at the site was approved by the U.S. Forest service. But Forest Service archeologist Tom Flanagan says that the mining claim is just an excuse to keep treasure hunting in the area, noting that he doesn't think there's any gold in those mountains.

"When these guys look for their lost Spanish gold, many archaeological sites get looted," Flanagan told the Park Record. "That mine is a natural feature they have now un-naturalized."

Holt nevertheless still believes the mine could very well be the "Lost Josephine" and says there's good reason to think so.

"What clinches the story for me is that by the opening is a wagon trail that leads to a prayer tree," he said.

Read the full story at the Park Record.