This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The $64 million renovation and preservation of iconic Ogden High has won the school and district a national honor.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation will honor Ogden School District, the school and its foundation Friday with one of 10 National Preservation Honor Awards.
"Ogden High School has been a community gathering place and source of civic pride since the 1930s. The first million-dollar high school in the state, it is a stunning example of art deco architecture," the trust says on its website.
The $64 million came from taxpayers, community fund-raising and several large donors. The renovation took several years and was finished a year ago.
Traditional building skills were used to restore the auditorium, and the project also entailed transforming the original gym into classrooms, performance spaces and science labs. A new entryway was added and there were upgrades throughout to make the school more energy efficient.
Sharing in the award are architects and builders Cooper Roberts Simonsen Associates; EDA Architects Inc.; and Hughes General Contracts.
Kristen Moulton