This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Donald Evett is indeed a hateful person. His comments in the Public Forum, "Freedom brings erosion of morality," (Jan. 1) suggesting that gay marriage is a symbol of declining morality in our country, are not just misguided, but utterly false and without merit.

If morality is declining, it is because of such vile, hate-fueled views of the world that drive others to desperation and acts of violence against good people. He must be a miserable person indeed to see the world as he does.

He'd better hope that his notion of "the wrath of God" raining down on people will not prevail, because jerks like him will be the first to be struck down. I'm sure there is nothing more insulting and despicable to God than people presuming to know how He feels about anything, let alone people who spew their bigotry and bile all over the place because they are so narrow-minded they cannot allow other people their basic human rights.

People like him will surely burn in hell, not gays, and not people who are free. Might I suggest that Donald Evett get his own filthy perspective cleaned up before God's wrath truly does rain down on him and others of his kind.

Robert Showell
