This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

("Get Help, Obama," July 21), but from whom?

Perhaps he could get help from Louie Gohmert's dictionary. Maybe Obama could get help from Michele Bachman in finding ways to stop killing children with the Affordable Care Act. Sen. McCain could help him "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran." Darrell Issa could help him keep his eye on Benghazi. Speaker Boehner could help Obama find ways to keep legislation moving along quickly. Being a medical doctor, Paul Broun could explain the Bible to him and why scientific evidence is not useful.

Obama is more considered and thoughtful than any of the above. Let's hope he continues to use his own brain, the information gathered by our government's agencies, and the opinions of the capable people around him.

Joan Welsh

Salt Lake City