This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams has added veteran planner Wilf Sommerkorn to his team handling regional issues for the county.
Sommerkorn, who has been Salt Lake City's planning director and spent 20 years before that with Davis County, will be the county's regional planning and transportation director. He will answer to former Salt Lake City councilman Carlton Christensen, director of the county's Office of Regional Development.
"The work we do in regional development is instrumental to the long-term planning for the Salt Lake Valley," Christensen said, lauding Sommerkorn's ability to "look directly at planning and transportation from a global perspective [and] to accomplish shared goals that will create a better tomorrow for our community at large."
Added McAdams, also a former Salt Lake City official, "Wilf's job is to think regionally … [and] advocate for smart planning choices that affect our entire region."
Sommerkorn has a bachelor's degree in physical geography from the University of Utah and a master's in planning from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
Mike Gorrell