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October 15, 2012 • By Lindsay Whitehurst The Salt Lake Tribune
A new $900,000 federal grant aimed at combating domestic violence will give police and prosecutors more time to go after offenders and strengthen the safety net for victims in the Salt lake City area, officials said at a news conference Monday. "We... Full Story
October 16, 2012 • The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake City's YWCA has named Utah House Minority Leader David Litvack as its public official of the year, citing his integrity and dedication to the well-being of women and families. "During his years in public office, Representative David Li... Full Story
October 25, 2012 • By Michael Mcfall The Salt Lake Tribune
As Anthony Kenshiro Mayhew negotiated with police the night Sept. 27 on the platform of the Gallivan TRAX Station, threatening to detonate an explosive he carried in his red backpack, he apparently possessed a lot of potential firepower. A Salt Lake... Full Story
November 1, 2012 • The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank on Thursday issued a reminder to residents to take steps to prevent the theft of their property. Burbank and Detective Robert Ungricht launched a four-minute video highlighting larceny, which is the theft of ... Full Story
November 7, 2012 • By Jon Clifford Special To The Tribune
Caden Ottley doesn't think of himself being on the forefront of a groundbreaking movement. Doesn't consider the steps his team is taking against discrimination and homophobia drastic or landmark. But they just might be. Ottley, an associate... Full Story
November 14, 2012 • By Robert Kirby Tribune Columnist
A couple of weeks ago, Salt Lake Police Chief Chris Burbank and I were discussing his intention of putting cameras on his cops. A few of the officers already have them. The chief said the cameras were starting to pay off, especially in the area of c... Full Story
November 15, 2012 • By Janelle Stecklein The Salt Lake Tribune
The Salt Lake City police chief said Wednesday that he hopes to eventually replace the department's dashboard cameras with new light-weight ones that officers will wear at eye level. "I think this is the way of the future," said Chief Chris Bur... Full Story
November 15, 2012 • By Cathy Mckitrick The Salt Lake Tribune
As holiday shoppers head downtown for the annual opening of their wallets, they might be tempted to toss panhandlers some spare change. But longtime homeless advocate Pamela Atkinson is urging them to reconsider and "give a hand up instead of a hand... Full Story
November 19, 2012 • By Kimball Bennion The Salt Lake Tribune
Danielle Willard, a 21-year-old recovering drug addict living in Utah, died after being shot in the head twice by two plainclothes police detectives in West Valley City. Since her death on Nov. 2, that sliver of facts is all that her family knows. W... Full Story
December 4, 2012 • By Matt Canham The Salt Lake Tribune
Washington • Congressional Republicans should embrace broad immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and other GOP activists urged Tuesday. They joined like-minde... Full Story
December 22, 2012 • By Paul Rolly The Salt Lake Tribune
Margaret Anderson, a Tribune reader, sent me an email she received from her son Wyeth Anderson, who is serving active duty in the military. In light of comments by some Utah legislators and Republican members of Congress who believe the way to stop ... Full Story
January 10, 2013 • By Peggy Fletcher Stack The Salt Lake Tribune
Call it the "Gay Mormon Moment." After years of tension between Latter-day Saints and gay rights activists — with political action and theological pronouncements on one side, protests and pain on the other — the gulf between the two groups has begu... Full Story
January 8, 2013 • By Nate Carlisle The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake City police Chief Chris Burbank on Tuesday announced a new plan for combating prostitution, human trafficking and gambling that places an emphasis on helping people quit the vices. The city's new Organized Crime Unit will generate fe... Full Story
January 11, 2013 • By George Pyle The Salt Lake Tribune
A sheriff I used to know preferred talking to shooting. And it was a good thing, too, because one of the few times he was face-to-face with an armed fugitive, he held out his left hand in a "halt" gesture and reached his right hand around to grab t... Full Story
January 14, 2013 • State of the Debate by George Pyle
Above: The family of Brian Cardall, who died in 2009 after a Hurricane police officer shocked him with a Taser, has settled its wrongful death lawsuit against the officer, police chief and the city. — More Jedi, fewer stormtroopers — George Pyle ... Full Story
January 17, 2013 • By Kimball Bennion The Salt Lake Tribune
A recent promotion at the Salt Lake City Police Department marks the first time in its history that a civilian has been given an upper leadership position on the police force. Police Chief Chris Burbank named Krista Dunn the Deputy Chief over Adminis... Full Story
January 29, 2013 • By Thomas Burr The Salt Lake Tribune
Washington • Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank on Monday offered President Barack Obama his support for the White House's new push for measured gun control, noting that while the issue is polarizing, it's one that needs to be tackle... Full Story
January 29, 2013 • Out of Context by Tribune Political Reporters
Obama to talk immigration. Burbank backs Obama on guns. Lockhart: Veto us, governor. Happy Tuesday. Spurred along by several senators, President Barack Obama heads to Las Vegas today to talk about passing comprehensive immigration reform — and quick... Full Story
February 21, 2013 • By Michael Mcfall The Salt Lake Tribune
It's the job of police to keep an eye on the public, but now the public can see how Salt Lake City police do that job. The city's police department launched a new website Thursday that displays the calls to which officers responded, once t... Full Story
February 27, 2013 • By Nate Carlisle The Salt Lake Tribune
The Salt Lake City police detective responsible for a SWAT team ramming the door of a wrong house last year and pointing guns at the elderly woman inside also misled the judge who issued the search warrant, according to documents released by the city... Full Story
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